i wanted to post a happy post at first,
but now i don't have the mood to.
i only know i had a wonderful morning, an okay afternoon, an enjoyable evening,
and a terrible night.
doesn't really matter, does it?
but whatever, even if you've failed at something, don't give up.
emo time's up, i guess.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
i have pictures for:
3) CHOIR CONCERT [the mrsamuelting one]!
i'll blog about my day out with claire chin [we went to orchard and its nice talking to your primary school friend again! :D] and everything~!
personally, i like ep 9, 18 and 19! :D
nakai and shingo and kimura and goro are super cute :D
its freaking hilarious. i'm serious, i rewatched the videos 5 times HAHAHA
takuya kimura gatsby moving rubber! SUPER GAY! :D hahahah
takuya's even more GAY gatsby bleach! D:
kimutaku NGs! :D veryvery FUNNY! :D
and not forgetting, NEWS WO ABAKE! :D
i still like yamapi ^^
i like anons who ask these questions hahah :D
anon: where to watch the drama you recommended in your 26th nov post ?
xiner: HELLO! haha you have to give me the questions for chinese! LOL
leongying`: teehee, glad t know you enjoyed the camp
{teehee, YUP! :DDD}
cherlene: heyheyhey!! (: tagged
i have pictures for:
3) CHOIR CONCERT [the mrsamuelting one]!
i'll blog about my day out with claire chin [we went to orchard and its nice talking to your primary school friend again! :D] and everything~!
personally, i like ep 9, 18 and 19! :D
nakai and shingo and kimura and goro are super cute :D
its freaking hilarious. i'm serious, i rewatched the videos 5 times HAHAHA
takuya kimura gatsby moving rubber! SUPER GAY! :D hahahah
takuya's even more GAY gatsby bleach! D:
kimutaku NGs! :D veryvery FUNNY! :D
and not forgetting, NEWS WO ABAKE! :D
i still like yamapi ^^
i like anons who ask these questions hahah :D
anon: where to watch the drama you recommended in your 26th nov post ?

xiner: HELLO! haha you have to give me the questions for chinese! LOL
leongying`: teehee, glad t know you enjoyed the camp

{teehee, YUP! :DDD}
cherlene: heyheyhey!! (: tagged

Monday, November 26, 2007
wow, what does this read? it says i'll be blogging about camp...tomorrow.
it was supposed to be updated yesterday, but since i'm some total drama addict, i decided not to.
yup, i finished a whole drama series from top to toe yesterday [my legs were tired D:]
watch it! its thriller/romance/mystery ;D everybody likes those shows right!
the storyline is SUPER twisted and i love it :D
spent quite some time on it and did some maths and left for nus hostel
my brother stays in a tiny room with his friend haha, but i'd like to stay in one next time! :D
and then it was pat'shouse with parents and other adults and carol didn't come D:
nevermind, i spent the rest of my time watching dramas again :D
choir today weren't good cause we were all tired.
ended up watchin HSM :D bopbopbop!
and then distributed the prizes for camp :DDD
whoo my bag is stuffed, i have piano and tuition later so i can't update ):
maybe i'll try at night :D
23 nov
FELICIA (:: well, at least you started on your homework girl (: i havent done a single ****.
FELICIA (:: wah the **** make me seem that i must be really vulgar ):
{just abit! D: hahaha its just shit right, tagboards make everybody vulgar =/ jy with homework man, i still have miles to go!}
-angela*: haha. Im in con3B. Man I can't believe you actually started on homework already! hahas
{hahah i see, i'm in con 3A, though i didn't go for uhh, a year o.O my mom's complaining i'm too slow -.-}
25 nov
anqi: nops i slept more than that! haha and i didn't keep track of how many more tags u owe me lols 0.0
anqi: wel.. so lets just make it 100! nah just kiding XP
{hahaha omg that's pro o.O omg 100, i'll die first :D i think i still have 25 o.O LOL}
Jiaye: I'm not peverted! Haaha pierrecardin
{AS IF YOU AREN'T! like wth your candycanedick -.- thanks la, i know you wear it too :D}
peixuan: MAMA!! XD haha.. i didnt bully u.. i merely entertained u.. haha.. =)
peixuan: haha.. yep. PIERRE CARDIN!! hohoho.. =))
{PEIXUAN! xDD oh yes you didn't. really.....my brain was close to dying D: and AHHHH i bet you just like saying the name of the brand right ^^}
annalim kaiying ashley! hero on sunday and shopping!
it was supposed to be updated yesterday, but since i'm some total drama addict, i decided not to.
yup, i finished a whole drama series from top to toe yesterday [my legs were tired D:]
watch it! its thriller/romance/mystery ;D everybody likes those shows right!
the storyline is SUPER twisted and i love it :D
spent quite some time on it and did some maths and left for nus hostel
my brother stays in a tiny room with his friend haha, but i'd like to stay in one next time! :D
and then it was pat'shouse with parents and other adults and carol didn't come D:
nevermind, i spent the rest of my time watching dramas again :D
choir today weren't good cause we were all tired.
ended up watchin HSM :D bopbopbop!
and then distributed the prizes for camp :DDD
whoo my bag is stuffed, i have piano and tuition later so i can't update ):
maybe i'll try at night :D
23 nov
FELICIA (:: well, at least you started on your homework girl (: i havent done a single ****.

{just abit! D: hahaha its just shit right, tagboards make everybody vulgar =/ jy with homework man, i still have miles to go!}
-angela*: haha. Im in con3B. Man I can't believe you actually started on homework already! hahas

{hahah i see, i'm in con 3A, though i didn't go for uhh, a year o.O my mom's complaining i'm too slow -.-}
25 nov
anqi: nops i slept more than that! haha and i didn't keep track of how many more tags u owe me lols 0.0
anqi: wel.. so lets just make it 100! nah just kiding XP
{hahaha omg that's pro o.O omg 100, i'll die first :D i think i still have 25 o.O LOL}
Jiaye: I'm not peverted! Haaha pierrecardin
{AS IF YOU AREN'T! like wth your candycanedick -.- thanks la, i know you wear it too :D}
peixuan: MAMA!! XD haha.. i didnt bully u.. i merely entertained u.. haha.. =)
peixuan: haha.. yep. PIERRE CARDIN!! hohoho.. =))
{PEIXUAN! xDD oh yes you didn't. really.....my brain was close to dying D: and AHHHH i bet you just like saying the name of the brand right ^^}
annalim kaiying ashley! hero on sunday and shopping!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
{THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED ON THE 24th! i fell asleep while typing so it got saved as a draft..i'll post more later!}
yes, i've eaten and bathed, apparently the amazing race today made me die!
i'll post details and photos tomorrow!
and anyway thankyou DUE! [du-air] we got the most marbles and won, YAY! :D
okay surprise, i was the group leader with ying jun! unbelievable, maybe cause i was the only secthree there haha. and due members were: piying, shijia, jiaye, yingting, eugenia, nicholas and benjamin! piying is just like supernice and thoughtful and she thinks everybody is nice too! shijia is a good encourager and she explains things well too! jiaye is a perverto sicko and she's good to talk to! yingting is resourceful and smart! eugenia is cute cause she keeps calling everybody and she's just cute! nicholas is super good in directions and helped us lots during amazing race! benjamin doesn't like to eat alot and he seems to like running too!
hokay, my mummy wants me to sleep, although i'm not tired [my legs are, though] and that my back hurts loads. but i really can't sleep! D: although i slept at 4:30 am yesterday! i hate sleeping on the floor! {edit} i think i was tired afterall. i just fell asleep while typing..{/edit}
so, riane, pei xuan, ting wei, shu qing, jiaye and i started fooling and playing and talking till 4:30 :D
riane is sleeping next to me and she likes taking pictures of fedora and sleeping people! riane chia is a chia and loves chia and rianechia is very nice! :D [hahaha]
jiaye is totally crazy omg! she's a SUPER sick pervert and she LOVES velcro straps. chuajiaye! stop staring at my pants and bundling me up with that velcro straps! hahahahaha. pervert .__.
peixuan is jiaye's accomplice in bullying me, thankyou. they like to punch my inflatable pillow till i nearly get concussions, and peixuan flicks my hair around too!
shuqing is a sleepy girl and she's nice to talk to haha! she slept halfway while we were talking. haha!
so we talked and they bullied me [thankyou ah] till 4:30 and slept.
oh, we had wet and dirty games on the first day, open house, nightgames!
i'll post them tomorrow!
thankyou com members for planning this!
k updates tomorrow :D
yes, i've eaten and bathed, apparently the amazing race today made me die!
i'll post details and photos tomorrow!
and anyway thankyou DUE! [du-air] we got the most marbles and won, YAY! :D
okay surprise, i was the group leader with ying jun! unbelievable, maybe cause i was the only secthree there haha. and due members were: piying, shijia, jiaye, yingting, eugenia, nicholas and benjamin! piying is just like supernice and thoughtful and she thinks everybody is nice too! shijia is a good encourager and she explains things well too! jiaye is a perverto sicko and she's good to talk to! yingting is resourceful and smart! eugenia is cute cause she keeps calling everybody and she's just cute! nicholas is super good in directions and helped us lots during amazing race! benjamin doesn't like to eat alot and he seems to like running too!
hokay, my mummy wants me to sleep, although i'm not tired [my legs are, though] and that my back hurts loads. but i really can't sleep! D: although i slept at 4:30 am yesterday! i hate sleeping on the floor! {edit} i think i was tired afterall. i just fell asleep while typing..{/edit}
so, riane, pei xuan, ting wei, shu qing, jiaye and i started fooling and playing and talking till 4:30 :D
riane is sleeping next to me and she likes taking pictures of fedora and sleeping people! riane chia is a chia and loves chia and rianechia is very nice! :D [hahaha]
jiaye is totally crazy omg! she's a SUPER sick pervert and she LOVES velcro straps. chuajiaye! stop staring at my pants and bundling me up with that velcro straps! hahahahaha. pervert .__.
peixuan is jiaye's accomplice in bullying me, thankyou. they like to punch my inflatable pillow till i nearly get concussions, and peixuan flicks my hair around too!
shuqing is a sleepy girl and she's nice to talk to haha! she slept halfway while we were talking. haha!
so we talked and they bullied me [thankyou ah] till 4:30 and slept.
oh, we had wet and dirty games on the first day, open house, nightgames!
i'll post them tomorrow!
thankyou com members for planning this!
k updates tomorrow :D
Thursday, November 22, 2007
ah, a girl got 294 for psle *dies*
i thought kaiying scammed me at first omg haha!
so lets see, i went to tampines mall and library at 5:30 to get printer ink and camp stuff.
now i reallyreally want to watch hero after all the reviews and stuff zzz. *grabs a random person and goes off*
and i still have to watch stardust and enchanged and gameplan!
that's my holidays for you, i've only done a compre, found 2 newspaper cuttings, 1/3 of the bio paper and 1/32 of the english project so far..
thankyou i'm off, its 1 am now so i shall blowdry my hair and go to sleep :D
i thought kaiying scammed me at first omg haha!
so lets see, i went to tampines mall and library at 5:30 to get printer ink and camp stuff.
now i reallyreally want to watch hero after all the reviews and stuff zzz. *grabs a random person and goes off*
and i still have to watch stardust and enchanged and gameplan!
that's my holidays for you, i've only done a compre, found 2 newspaper cuttings, 1/3 of the bio paper and 1/32 of the english project so far..
thankyou i'm off, its 1 am now so i shall blowdry my hair and go to sleep :D
ah, its already 3:30!
so lets make the next half of the day a productive one, i've been spending my morning and abit of afternoon on watching hero! plus reading abit of newspapers, hmm.
yay i've finished hero [drama]! go watch it now! though the SP might be abit eh, weird.
its the first day they're screening HERO [movie]! zzz but i can't go out today [besides returning books and buying ink for my printer oO] sad life yay .__.
its a super nice show! :D something like thrillers? well not really. but something like that! i shall quick grab a person to watch with me *looks at kaiying*
sunday! set okay! [read this!] although i might be like, totally exhausted from the camp! D: and then have another 'camp' on sunday telling each other about camps. THANKYOU HAHA.
my prediction for choir camp >> throwing away a set of clothes
i was on the way to pianolessons yesterday, and met meixuan jemimah and chuinchi!
and there's loads of disgusting food in their groceries zzz. [ISABEL if you're reading this..THANKS AH hahahaha, you'll get revenge for being part of planning those :D]
ah, and i'll do abit of maths and start packing and then go to the library and tampines mall! (Y)
and if i have time after completing my stuff, i shall start on a new drama!
Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi! wonder if it'll be good, we'll see! :D
and, HAPPYBIRTHDAY JESSLIN! ;D [the words are in pink!]
anqi: heyloosss!! (X
ngik hiong: yay!!! i prefer hexic too!!!
{yeah man! lets play it on msn later! :DDD}
so lets make the next half of the day a productive one, i've been spending my morning and abit of afternoon on watching hero! plus reading abit of newspapers, hmm.
yay i've finished hero [drama]! go watch it now! though the SP might be abit eh, weird.
its the first day they're screening HERO [movie]! zzz but i can't go out today [besides returning books and buying ink for my printer oO] sad life yay .__.
its a super nice show! :D something like thrillers? well not really. but something like that! i shall quick grab a person to watch with me *looks at kaiying*
sunday! set okay! [read this!] although i might be like, totally exhausted from the camp! D: and then have another 'camp' on sunday telling each other about camps. THANKYOU HAHA.
my prediction for choir camp >> throwing away a set of clothes
i was on the way to pianolessons yesterday, and met meixuan jemimah and chuinchi!
and there's loads of disgusting food in their groceries zzz. [ISABEL if you're reading this..THANKS AH hahahaha, you'll get revenge for being part of planning those :D]
ah, and i'll do abit of maths and start packing and then go to the library and tampines mall! (Y)
and if i have time after completing my stuff, i shall start on a new drama!
Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi! wonder if it'll be good, we'll see! :D
and, HAPPYBIRTHDAY JESSLIN! ;D [the words are in pink!]
anqi: heyloosss!! (X
ngik hiong: yay!!! i prefer hexic too!!!

{yeah man! lets play it on msn later! :DDD}
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
omg hero is damn funny
i think i just laughed 10 minutes non stop at some point in the 6th episode ROFL. [hmm, sit on chair and bending forward laughing in this case]
oh but i like it cause its just like what i read in books whee!
and do autopsy processes stink so much o.O
i'm doing geog newspaper cutting! hahaha and whee episode 7 now :D
i think i just laughed 10 minutes non stop at some point in the 6th episode ROFL. [hmm, sit on chair and bending forward laughing in this case]
oh but i like it cause its just like what i read in books whee!
and do autopsy processes stink so much o.O
i'm doing geog newspaper cutting! hahaha and whee episode 7 now :D
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I feel accomplished [not just as a servant-leader]
lets see! i've done homework, played, watched dramas, and discovered i can be a teeeny entrepreneur! [its only 3:30 pm!]
ah, i'm lazy to do the explanation, let the pictures do the talking yo!

hi, this picture tells you that i've printed the compre worksheets and done them [although this doesn't say i've done them, you'll HAVE to believe me!]
it also tells you that...if all anglicans in sec three lose their badges, i'll have around 410 bucks for shopping :D
until i attempt to draw the words clearer, that is -.- my greenpen is too thick!
anybody nice can donate a thinner green pen to me? the words are screwed -.-
ahh yes, 1 buck for an entirely handdrawn paper badge, anyone? good deal right! it might prevent mrchua from knowing your name, hahahaha! [actually, i don't think anybody will buy it LOL]
they'll be safely stowed away into my wallet..for shopping funding HAHAHAHA.
[one would actually wonder about the word safe. ohwell.]
and so i got bored after the prelim paper;

ahh yes, the "healthy" metal balls.
according to my mom [or the shop which sold these] , rotating these balls are good for health.
well, i'll just treat is as entertainment, but hey, not bad for an artpiece too right? makes my room look big :D
that's how you do it, its pretty noisy, but pretty pretty too, at the same time. whatever.
next was lunch, i had shui jiao [gyoza!] with noodles.
watched HERO! the drama! :D
[sorry for the badquality screenshots, i used paint cause i was lazy hahaha]

eh, channel 8?!
sorry yes i know youtube sucks, anybody willing to lend me the dvd or at least better quality files i can put in my com? [same goes for nodame cantabile and pride and most of the dramas i've watched T.T]

he looked much nicer in pride though! :D
and firefox is really (y)! look at the orange tabscope!
and the windows vistatheme! and the foxy tunes! and mail notifier! youplayer! numbered tabs! coloured tabs!
gogogogo use it now!
oh, PLUS you can download videos from youtube or other streaming sites!
and yes, the healthy metal balls thing, reminds me of the hip-moving exercise machine kimutaku owned in the drama hero!

roflmao. the drama makes me laugh HAHA, i bet it'll be interesting since i like those crime solving things [for now i HOPE that's what it'll be about =X]
yup, i plan to finish 4 episodes today and finish by tomorrow/thursday! [yes ada, i think i'm REALLY a show addict, noooooooooo!]
game addict too. i've been playing typer shark, zuma, insanaquarium, bookworm, bejeweled! all deluxe versions hahaha. i love my brother man. privated de .__.

TYPERSHARK! nice game, i plan to attempt to see where's the top level, hmm. since its at level 7, i guess i still have some way to go. not difficult i guess

ZZZ DIED AT LEVEL 15! played for 33 mins hmm. shall try more :D
next, zuma! ;D my favourite game of the century!

hmm, just started playing also so its still at level 5 -.-|| but zuma is more difficult than typer shark zzz. ball spammage omg D: its SUPER fun!
bejeweled 2!

kinda difficult as the level goes higher, i prefer hexic, hmm D:
but its still fun i'll try playing more, hahaha!
ngik hiong: jiayou for your amaths
{thankyou! :D dno leh but i still think i'll fail it D:}
valerie: omg emma i saw your tag and clicked your link, saw your name on my blogskin and thought it was my blog too
haha! great minds think alike
{haha omg valerie we a both greatminds! :D hahahaha, i really went like "OMG" the moment i saw it lol! though i've not changed my skin for 1000 years LOL}
jianle!: wahsaii! you watched so many liao @_@ waha i only watched like what, 1/4 of what you watched? xD YAMAPIII {loves}
{haha yeah i think wahsai's the correct term man @.@ HERO IS NICE! :D and yamapi is like freaking cute right! :DDDDD go watch kurosagi movie soon man omg :D}
ada`: hahaha. Emma's a show-addict manzxzzxz. I see that you've watched so many of them -.-
{hahaha i think so manzxzxzzx! D: i think i shall watch less from now on. D:}
emma: nononono i watched some of them last year!
{do i have to reply myself? but yeah its true. though i admit i AM an addict D:}
its the kind of show i like HAHA! crimeinvestigation yay! [and i suspect there'll be something between kuryu and amamiya] what's any drama without romance sigh lol. i shall watch and see :D
project tomorrow yo! piano too!
lets see! i've done homework, played, watched dramas, and discovered i can be a teeeny entrepreneur! [its only 3:30 pm!]
ah, i'm lazy to do the explanation, let the pictures do the talking yo!
hi, this picture tells you that i've printed the compre worksheets and done them [although this doesn't say i've done them, you'll HAVE to believe me!]
it also tells you that...if all anglicans in sec three lose their badges, i'll have around 410 bucks for shopping :D
until i attempt to draw the words clearer, that is -.- my greenpen is too thick!
anybody nice can donate a thinner green pen to me? the words are screwed -.-
ahh yes, 1 buck for an entirely handdrawn paper badge, anyone? good deal right! it might prevent mrchua from knowing your name, hahahaha! [actually, i don't think anybody will buy it LOL]
they'll be safely stowed away into my wallet..for shopping funding HAHAHAHA.
[one would actually wonder about the word safe. ohwell.]
and so i got bored after the prelim paper;
ahh yes, the "healthy" metal balls.
according to my mom [or the shop which sold these] , rotating these balls are good for health.
well, i'll just treat is as entertainment, but hey, not bad for an artpiece too right? makes my room look big :D
that's how you do it, its pretty noisy, but pretty pretty too, at the same time. whatever.
next was lunch, i had shui jiao [gyoza!] with noodles.
watched HERO! the drama! :D
[sorry for the badquality screenshots, i used paint cause i was lazy hahaha]
eh, channel 8?!
sorry yes i know youtube sucks, anybody willing to lend me the dvd or at least better quality files i can put in my com? [same goes for nodame cantabile and pride and most of the dramas i've watched T.T]
he looked much nicer in pride though! :D
and firefox is really (y)! look at the orange tabscope!
and the windows vistatheme! and the foxy tunes! and mail notifier! youplayer! numbered tabs! coloured tabs!
gogogogo use it now!
oh, PLUS you can download videos from youtube or other streaming sites!
and yes, the healthy metal balls thing, reminds me of the hip-moving exercise machine kimutaku owned in the drama hero!
roflmao. the drama makes me laugh HAHA, i bet it'll be interesting since i like those crime solving things [for now i HOPE that's what it'll be about =X]
yup, i plan to finish 4 episodes today and finish by tomorrow/thursday! [yes ada, i think i'm REALLY a show addict, noooooooooo!]
game addict too. i've been playing typer shark, zuma, insanaquarium, bookworm, bejeweled! all deluxe versions hahaha. i love my brother man. privated de .__.
TYPERSHARK! nice game, i plan to attempt to see where's the top level, hmm. since its at level 7, i guess i still have some way to go. not difficult i guess
ZZZ DIED AT LEVEL 15! played for 33 mins hmm. shall try more :D
next, zuma! ;D my favourite game of the century!
hmm, just started playing also so its still at level 5 -.-|| but zuma is more difficult than typer shark zzz. ball spammage omg D: its SUPER fun!
bejeweled 2!
kinda difficult as the level goes higher, i prefer hexic, hmm D:
but its still fun i'll try playing more, hahaha!
ngik hiong: jiayou for your amaths

{thankyou! :D dno leh but i still think i'll fail it D:}
valerie: omg emma i saw your tag and clicked your link, saw your name on my blogskin and thought it was my blog too

{haha omg valerie we a both greatminds! :D hahahaha, i really went like "OMG" the moment i saw it lol! though i've not changed my skin for 1000 years LOL}
jianle!: wahsaii! you watched so many liao @_@ waha i only watched like what, 1/4 of what you watched? xD YAMAPIII {loves}
{haha yeah i think wahsai's the correct term man @.@ HERO IS NICE! :D and yamapi is like freaking cute right! :DDDDD go watch kurosagi movie soon man omg :D}
ada`: hahaha. Emma's a show-addict manzxzzxz. I see that you've watched so many of them -.-
{hahaha i think so manzxzxzzx! D: i think i shall watch less from now on. D:}
emma: nononono i watched some of them last year!
{do i have to reply myself? but yeah its true. though i admit i AM an addict D:}
its the kind of show i like HAHA! crimeinvestigation yay! [and i suspect there'll be something between kuryu and amamiya] what's any drama without romance sigh lol. i shall watch and see :D
project tomorrow yo! piano too!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I finished watching pride.
now, what can i say? i bet you wouldn't be convinced if i told you "ITS REALLY SUPER NICE!"
right? see i knew that's what you're going to think.
so lets start; it really made me..feel for the characters in the drama, especially halu and aki. of course.
surprisingly there was some weird feeling of "heartache" in me when both of them couldn't be together for the most complicated reasons, and its something like surpassing yourself kinda thing? not having confidence in yourself and while the characters slowly develop, you'll really understand how they turned out to be like that.
what's nice is, the scenes ain't cheesy or anything, they're just very sweet and filled with meanings, makes you think twice about stuff. Hey director of pride out there, will you stop making me pity almost every character? D:
hmm, i think you'll know, i go like 'ROFL' when i see cheesy scenes, reason being its so easy to guess, its like seeing through glass. SO, if you're a person like me, laughing at cheesy scenes instead of feeling loved, there you go. (Y)
oh, but there's something i don't like, too many complications O: as if they're deliberately making the plot seem interesting or something D:
but there's another thing i like, they don't smoke! yay! [yes i know, stupid reason]
[i think its time for me to stop reviewing this. looks like i'm really bad at it.]
nonetheless, the main characters' roles are superbly played, takuya kimura and Takeuchi Yuko does it like magic O: Meaningful drama i say, something i'll love, you'll love, we'll love.
must be
[i've been saying "maybe" alot these two days...]
better than stand up!!, Taiyou no uta and obviously full house [did i tell you korean dramas are THIS draggy?]
so lets bring out the drama list again! :D
Ichi Rittoru no Namida (5 stars) [BEST!]
nodame cantabile (5 stars)
pride (5 stars)
orange days (4.5 stars)
Nobuta wo Produce (4.5 stars)
Dragon Zakura (4.5 stars)
joou no kyoushitsu (4.5 stars)
Kurosagi (4 stars)
Gokusen 2 (4 stars)
Gokusen (4 stars)
kamisama mou sukoshi dake (watching)[ so far, around 4.]
Taiyou no uta (3.5 stars) [nice songs though]
romantic princess (watching) [for entertainment only. 3.5 stars?]
full house (3 stars) [idol series, quite entertaining at first but it gets boring after that]
Stand up!! (3 stars) [actually, just don't watch it. its VERY polluted. but if you don't count that, its pretty much okay]
Sekai no Chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [watching]
proposal daisakusen (watching) [2nd episode..so i can't tell]
oops, i didn't realise i've already watched 17 of them [or some in the process of watching] .___.
and i haven't counted da chang jin in! lol
okay, i HAVE to watch
hero, long vacation, galileo
i'll work on the rest of my "to watch" drama list soon.
while working on my studies as well!
are these posts boring? D: sorry i can't help it ):
now, what can i say? i bet you wouldn't be convinced if i told you "ITS REALLY SUPER NICE!"
right? see i knew that's what you're going to think.
so lets start; it really made me..feel for the characters in the drama, especially halu and aki. of course.
surprisingly there was some weird feeling of "heartache" in me when both of them couldn't be together for the most complicated reasons, and its something like surpassing yourself kinda thing? not having confidence in yourself and while the characters slowly develop, you'll really understand how they turned out to be like that.
what's nice is, the scenes ain't cheesy or anything, they're just very sweet and filled with meanings, makes you think twice about stuff. Hey director of pride out there, will you stop making me pity almost every character? D:
hmm, i think you'll know, i go like 'ROFL' when i see cheesy scenes, reason being its so easy to guess, its like seeing through glass. SO, if you're a person like me, laughing at cheesy scenes instead of feeling loved, there you go. (Y)
oh, but there's something i don't like, too many complications O: as if they're deliberately making the plot seem interesting or something D:
but there's another thing i like, they don't smoke! yay! [yes i know, stupid reason]
[i think its time for me to stop reviewing this. looks like i'm really bad at it.]
nonetheless, the main characters' roles are superbly played, takuya kimura and Takeuchi Yuko does it like magic O: Meaningful drama i say, something i'll love, you'll love, we'll love.
must be
[i've been saying "maybe" alot these two days...]
better than stand up!!, Taiyou no uta and obviously full house [did i tell you korean dramas are THIS draggy?]
so lets bring out the drama list again! :D
kamisama mou sukoshi dake (watching)[ so far, around 4.]
romantic princess (watching) [for entertainment only. 3.5 stars?]
Sekai no Chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [watching]
proposal daisakusen (watching) [2nd episode..so i can't tell]
oops, i didn't realise i've already watched 17 of them [or some in the process of watching] .___.
and i haven't counted da chang jin in! lol
okay, i HAVE to watch
hero, long vacation, galileo
i'll work on the rest of my "to watch" drama list soon.
while working on my studies as well!
are these posts boring? D: sorry i can't help it ):
Sunday, November 18, 2007
worse than death!
amaths textbook [no, make that TWO amaths textbooks] = the best books on earth
did i say anything? no i did not. fyi its IRRITATING.
trigo and polynomials especially.
so uhh, if you're going to fight for NO REMEDIALS/SSS tomorrow.
JIAYOU. you know you can do it. [not me, just hope you don't see me in remedial]
worse than death!
amaths textbook [no, make that TWO amaths textbooks] = the best books on earth
did i say anything? no i did not. fyi its IRRITATING.
trigo and polynomials especially.
so uhh, if you're going to fight for NO REMEDIALS/SSS tomorrow.
JIAYOU. you know you can do it. [not me, just hope you don't see me in remedial]
I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day...
I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life
You are the one for me
I am the man for you
You were made for me
You're my ecstasy
If I was given every opportunity
I'd kill for your love
So take a chance with me
Let me romance with you
I'm caught in a dream
And my dream's come true
It's so hard to believe
This is happening to me
An amazing feeling
Comin' through
I wanna love you
I love every little thing about you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Yes I was born to love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Every single day - of my life
An amazing feeling
Coming through
Yes I was born to love you
Every single day of my life
Go, I love you babe
Yes I was born to love you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
I wanna love you
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely
Yeah, I want to love you
Yeah, give it to me
sorry i ain't in love. p:
just the song that's all. HAHA
this song is nice, its "i was born to love you" by queen.
opening for "pride"
it was the last day of art class today.
lets see, tomorrow's my dooms day. somehow, the feeling of myself definitely failing feels much worse than some kiddish heartache.
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day...
I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life
You are the one for me
I am the man for you
You were made for me
You're my ecstasy
If I was given every opportunity
I'd kill for your love
So take a chance with me
Let me romance with you
I'm caught in a dream
And my dream's come true
It's so hard to believe
This is happening to me
An amazing feeling
Comin' through
I wanna love you
I love every little thing about you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Yes I was born to love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Every single day - of my life
An amazing feeling
Coming through
Yes I was born to love you
Every single day of my life
Go, I love you babe
Yes I was born to love you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
I wanna love you
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely
Yeah, I want to love you
Yeah, give it to me
sorry i ain't in love. p:
just the song that's all. HAHA
this song is nice, its "i was born to love you" by queen.
opening for "pride"
it was the last day of art class today.
lets see, tomorrow's my dooms day. somehow, the feeling of myself definitely failing feels much worse than some kiddish heartache.
17 Nov GB: hahas i got back my dip results! uh failed. but u passed. hahas i posted my results on my blog xD tag tag =D. U PASSED~!{lol JIAYOU! i'm sure you'll get dist next time yeah! ^^ and thanks haha but i still don't like my results D:} |
annia: must go pack now^^ catcha in taiwan when i go online!! |
annia: haha |
annia: i havnt put pics yet but nvm will get them on soon! |
annia: YOYO!! haha saw your post too...just now..haha |
{ANNIA HAVE A SAFE TRIP (i bet you've reached) i'll miss you, go online often okay! :D haha you can see the pics here :DDDDD love ya! seeyou soon, neh!} jesslin: i tot since it goes towards pasir ris den it shd be correct.. |
{lol as in. i took in boon lay, going towards passirris, but normally we see going towards boonlay what haha} kayingg: relink!{okay SURE! having a fun time in hk? :D or missing your babyyyyyy?} |
15 Nov anqi: yay u owe me 34 tags now! muahahahaha! lols jkjk lar i shall be nice and discount away the current 5 XP |
{HAHAHA okay la! i thought its 28 D: YAY OKAY! :D bigboobs!} ashley: only shin is cute luh. e rest are gay! ![]() |
ashley: LOL {shin is okay laaa, but kimutaku and yamapi :D oops did i say too much =X} |
14 Nov Eliz: im feeling evil *grin* LOLS! nth lurhx takkairez and cya soon yeah (: |
Eliz: *attack! LOLS im being so lame =X but nvm lalalalas (: |
Eliz: MUAHAHAHHAAS! ur blog is under my spam attact! {HAHAHA evil eliz always comes to tag for the same reason hahaha xD okay i will, takecare too dear!} |
Saturday, November 17, 2007
ohmy will you just look at takuya kimura! :D
i'm watching PRIDE right now! nice drama! i can't help saying takuya kimura is so cool and nice in the show!
i think you'll have to bear me tomorrow since i'll be posting pictures again HAHAHA
must watch hero. must watch hero.
thanks vanessa for lending me pride anyway! :D
lets see, i've finished 2 drama series in 4 days, it seems.
nodame cantabile and orange days.
both absolutely fabulous, pride is (y)(y)(y) too! :D
welcome back chiangrai people! :D
lets see, dramas to watch:
long vacation
beautiful life
proposal daisakusen
Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [halfway]
galileo [i heard its good]
teppan shoujo akane
densha otoko
kimi wa petto
hana yori dango
tokyo friends
tatta hitotsu no koi
takuya kimura and tamaki hiroshi and yampi and gogogogo! :D
leehom toooooo!
oh, and there's sugar and spice [movie] starring erika sawajiri! but my brother says it ain't gonna be nice D:
movies to watch:
HERO [takuya kimura! *_*]
game plan
doraemon the movie [HAHA]
lust caution [WHY MUST IT BE R21?! there's LEEHOM OMG]
{sorry for being absolutely crazy, i'll reply tags tmr!}
i'm watching PRIDE right now! nice drama! i can't help saying takuya kimura is so cool and nice in the show!
i think you'll have to bear me tomorrow since i'll be posting pictures again HAHAHA
must watch hero. must watch hero.
thanks vanessa for lending me pride anyway! :D
lets see, i've finished 2 drama series in 4 days, it seems.
nodame cantabile and orange days.
both absolutely fabulous, pride is (y)(y)(y) too! :D
welcome back chiangrai people! :D
lets see, dramas to watch:
long vacation
beautiful life
proposal daisakusen
Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [halfway]
galileo [i heard its good]
teppan shoujo akane
densha otoko
kimi wa petto
hana yori dango
tokyo friends
tatta hitotsu no koi
takuya kimura and tamaki hiroshi and yampi and gogogogo! :D
leehom toooooo!
oh, and there's sugar and spice [movie] starring erika sawajiri! but my brother says it ain't gonna be nice D:
movies to watch:
HERO [takuya kimura! *_*]
game plan
doraemon the movie [HAHA]
lust caution [WHY MUST IT BE R21?! there's LEEHOM OMG]
{sorry for being absolutely crazy, i'll reply tags tmr!}
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
its been a long time since i've updated, ain't it.
not that my life's interesting enough for you to read, here's what i did these days, basically:
cca, checkups, shopping.yaddaaa..
ohwait, here's something interesting!
annia and i went to BOON LAY on monday! :D

first time we've been there, actually. 50 mins ride from tanah merah seems realllyyyy short.
since there's somebody to talk to! time passes by like..the aeroplane!
we talked about north,south,east, west [that's how they say it in chinese, anyway] anything under the..stars?

don't you normally see "Boon lay departing in xx minutes?"
the air there...its different. pollution! D:
jurong point is (Y) though it looks like one of those average malls you can find anywhere, at least the toilet and food's nice :D
subway, crepes, chocolate drink, tempura :D
they're all the love, ain't they!
spent hours there and on the way back to simei, we fell asleep xD
very tired souls, we need rest! D:
so we trained to annia's house, and i wanted to learn the violin! ^^
sorry i'm a bad student. like omg i think picking up the violin is much more difficult than the piano! :/
anyway! i want to learn the violin+harp or the guitar after jc or something :D
the day's really hard to sum up, i mean, WOW, its BOONLAY!
[those who's mumbling "i go there everyday/very often" please don't talk hahahaha]
my shoulder, neck, back and arms hurt from holding the violin, and annia plays it really well! :D
spent my other days watching orange days [FAB] and yesterday, i was out for checkups at tantockseng and SHOPPING at orchard/novena with mum! :D
rarrrrr i'm kinda bored. not. drama fills your life :D
pufang: HELLO! HAHA. you were so late today.
{HELLO! HAHA nope i wasn't as late! hahahaha, my art's really dying D: no time to finishhhhhh! D: how's yours}
12 nov
ray: hey im feeling perplexed.>:(
{ehhh why? blinded and confused by loveeeeee?}
anqi: i
anqi: tag
anqi: u
anqi: 5
anqi: times
anqi: XD
anqi: ok, that was the 6th 0.0
anqi: and that was the 7th
anqi: yay now u must tag me 35 times muahahahahaha! (X
{HAHA ANQI I TAGGED YOU ONCE xD save the other 34 for INSTALLMENTS hahahaha! xD tag more if you want, not in form of spam though HAHAHAHA}
isabel: haha what is this spaming? haha nvm emma loves it! (opps.. do i encourage anqi?) haha
isabel: hey but those guys arent very hansome you know.. (they look a little gay)
{hey i did NOT say i love spam! D: and they are VERY handsome. the last one's cool and tamaki hiroshi is SUPER cool okay! your definition of gay...is very gay! D:}
emma: you'll find him handsome if you watch the drama
and THEY ARE, go ask ashley! D:
{YES HONGO KANATA IS LOVE! (oops did i just talk to myself xD) ashley go agreeeee! ^^ hongo kanata is love! and so its yamapi and tamaki hiroshi and teppei koike! and omg takuya kimura too! EMMA! STOP YOUR FANGIRLING! T.T}
and yes, please ignore the tag reply to myself -.-
isabel: it's just that he looks like the *DUH* prince in gong la
{I DON'T LIKE KOREAN SHOWS DON'T COMPARE TAMAKI HIROSHI WITH IDIOTIC KOREAN GUYS! (like that SUPER retard rain or whatever! D:) go watch nodame cantabile and love tamaki hiroshi wheeeee!}
sorry, too much dramas turns me into a fan girl AGAIN. just when i thought i wasn't fangirling over yamapi already...i swear it won't be so bad this time!
not that my life's interesting enough for you to read, here's what i did these days, basically:
cca, checkups, shopping.yaddaaa..
ohwait, here's something interesting!
annia and i went to BOON LAY on monday! :D
first time we've been there, actually. 50 mins ride from tanah merah seems realllyyyy short.
since there's somebody to talk to! time passes by like..the aeroplane!
we talked about north,south,east, west [that's how they say it in chinese, anyway] anything under the..stars?
don't you normally see "Boon lay departing in xx minutes?"
the air there...its different. pollution! D:
jurong point is (Y) though it looks like one of those average malls you can find anywhere, at least the toilet and food's nice :D
subway, crepes, chocolate drink, tempura :D
they're all the love, ain't they!
spent hours there and on the way back to simei, we fell asleep xD
very tired souls, we need rest! D:
so we trained to annia's house, and i wanted to learn the violin! ^^
sorry i'm a bad student. like omg i think picking up the violin is much more difficult than the piano! :/
anyway! i want to learn the violin+harp or the guitar after jc or something :D
the day's really hard to sum up, i mean, WOW, its BOONLAY!
[those who's mumbling "i go there everyday/very often" please don't talk hahahaha]
my shoulder, neck, back and arms hurt from holding the violin, and annia plays it really well! :D
spent my other days watching orange days [FAB] and yesterday, i was out for checkups at tantockseng and SHOPPING at orchard/novena with mum! :D
rarrrrr i'm kinda bored. not. drama fills your life :D
pufang: HELLO! HAHA. you were so late today.

{HELLO! HAHA nope i wasn't as late! hahahaha, my art's really dying D: no time to finishhhhhh! D: how's yours}
12 nov
ray: hey im feeling perplexed.>:(
{ehhh why? blinded and confused by loveeeeee?}
anqi: i
anqi: tag
anqi: u
anqi: 5
anqi: times
anqi: XD
anqi: ok, that was the 6th 0.0
anqi: and that was the 7th
anqi: yay now u must tag me 35 times muahahahahaha! (X
{HAHA ANQI I TAGGED YOU ONCE xD save the other 34 for INSTALLMENTS hahahaha! xD tag more if you want, not in form of spam though HAHAHAHA}
isabel: haha what is this spaming? haha nvm emma loves it! (opps.. do i encourage anqi?) haha
isabel: hey but those guys arent very hansome you know.. (they look a little gay)
{hey i did NOT say i love spam! D: and they are VERY handsome. the last one's cool and tamaki hiroshi is SUPER cool okay! your definition of gay...is very gay! D:}
emma: you'll find him handsome if you watch the drama

{YES HONGO KANATA IS LOVE! (oops did i just talk to myself xD) ashley go agreeeee! ^^ hongo kanata is love! and so its yamapi and tamaki hiroshi and teppei koike! and omg takuya kimura too! EMMA! STOP YOUR FANGIRLING! T.T}
and yes, please ignore the tag reply to myself -.-
isabel: it's just that he looks like the *DUH* prince in gong la
{I DON'T LIKE KOREAN SHOWS DON'T COMPARE TAMAKI HIROSHI WITH IDIOTIC KOREAN GUYS! (like that SUPER retard rain or whatever! D:) go watch nodame cantabile and love tamaki hiroshi wheeeee!}
sorry, too much dramas turns me into a fan girl AGAIN. just when i thought i wasn't fangirling over yamapi already...i swear it won't be so bad this time!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
sorry i didn't update anything. i'm starting on ORANGE DAYS now! :D
*scroll down to list of drama below*
i'm currently watching 4! xD
and the rest i've watch are FAB! :D
isabel: omg enormous boobs!
*stunt tio* -.- haha
{LOL uhh, yours is boobs that look like mountain la. its stunned tio i thought -.-}
ashleY: hey emma (: tag tag
{HELLO! are you ashleyleong or ashleytong (or ashley ong!) hahahah}
jianle!: OMG! shinichi chiaki {loves} wahaha xD i still watching kurosagi sia-.- jap drama craze!
{OMG YES SHINICHI CHIAKI IS THE LOVE! :D tamaki hiroshi is so cool and handsome *Dies* kurosagi is LOVE too! (thinks of yampi!) must watch nobuta and the dramas i've watched okay! :D japdrama love, jianle loves too! :DDDD}
*scroll down to list of drama below*
i'm currently watching 4! xD
and the rest i've watch are FAB! :D
isabel: omg enormous boobs!

{LOL uhh, yours is boobs that look like mountain la. its stunned tio i thought -.-}
ashleY: hey emma (: tag tag
{HELLO! are you ashleyleong or ashleytong (or ashley ong!) hahahah}
jianle!: OMG! shinichi chiaki {loves} wahaha xD i still watching kurosagi sia-.- jap drama craze!

{OMG YES SHINICHI CHIAKI IS THE LOVE! :D tamaki hiroshi is so cool and handsome *Dies* kurosagi is LOVE too! (thinks of yampi!) must watch nobuta and the dramas i've watched okay! :D japdrama love, jianle loves too! :DDDD}
sorry for the lack of photo posts D:
the last time was uhh, ikea! -.- which was like two weeks or something.
but guess what, i'm lazy in the morning, and i have to go for art class soon, i MIGHT post some photos tonight haha :D
and there's a reason why i posted pictures from dramas instead of photos..they load much faster -.-

chiaki and noda! :D

another one oO

chiaki! tamaki hiroshi!

ehh another one? nodame cantabile is niceeeee

last one's hongo kanata :D shin from NANA2 :D
off to artclass bye
the last time was uhh, ikea! -.- which was like two weeks or something.
but guess what, i'm lazy in the morning, and i have to go for art class soon, i MIGHT post some photos tonight haha :D
and there's a reason why i posted pictures from dramas instead of photos..they load much faster -.-

chiaki and noda! :D

another one oO

chiaki! tamaki hiroshi!

ehh another one? nodame cantabile is niceeeee

last one's hongo kanata :D shin from NANA2 :D
off to artclass bye
Friday, November 09, 2007
i've been watching NODAME CANTABILE :D
thankyou LIMYING for lending me! :DDD
so yup, i've spent my time watching it! guess what -.-
i got so inspired by it that i started playing 4 hours of piano today o.O
very nice, finished 10 episodes in 2 days HAHAHAH.
tell me i'm great hoho! nevermind i'll continue my compostition O:
7 nov
kaiying: im smiling
{hahaha yay okay! :DDDD}
8 nov
ELAIN :D: hello emma!
{hello elain tantantantan! :DD}
ALICIA: EMMA! that song is nice(:
{yup it is! :DDDD seeyou soon okay!}
isabel: help!!
isabel: ahh! BLOGGER.. blogskins ahh! sucks. can u help me ahaha
isabel: eh actually ur tag's not so dead as some people's la..
{lol okay sure i will. how too hmm. lol quite la D:}
Cherlene: Hi emma!! haa, choir junior here, nice blog!! (: link me yeas? Thx (:
{hello cherlene surething! i'll do that soon haha:D}
anqi: hellos enourmous boobs! i was here ^^
{hello gigantic big boobs! seeyou tomorrow! ^^}
thankyou LIMYING for lending me! :DDD
so yup, i've spent my time watching it! guess what -.-
i got so inspired by it that i started playing 4 hours of piano today o.O
very nice, finished 10 episodes in 2 days HAHAHAH.
tell me i'm great hoho! nevermind i'll continue my compostition O:
7 nov
kaiying: im smiling

{hahaha yay okay! :DDDD}
8 nov
ELAIN :D: hello emma!
{hello elain tantantantan! :DD}
ALICIA: EMMA! that song is nice(:
{yup it is! :DDDD seeyou soon okay!}
isabel: help!!
isabel: ahh! BLOGGER.. blogskins ahh! sucks. can u help me ahaha
isabel: eh actually ur tag's not so dead as some people's la..
{lol okay sure i will. how too hmm. lol quite la D:}
Cherlene: Hi emma!! haa, choir junior here, nice blog!! (: link me yeas? Thx (:
{hello cherlene surething! i'll do that soon haha:D}
anqi: hellos enourmous boobs! i was here ^^
{hello gigantic big boobs! seeyou tomorrow! ^^}
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
cheesy stuff makes me laugh :D
no, not mozzarella cheese kind of cheese, its just tv serials kind of cheese haha :D
cheese makes me happy hahahaha!
oh, some things can have two meanings :D
yup i was being a total idiot today and watched gong zhu xiao mei [romantic princess]
yes, i'm aware that i don't seem like the kind of person who likes romance stories and all [so just forget about chick lit]
but whatever hahaha, that show is entertaining :}
its the cheesiness that makes me laugh like hell HAHAHA. so super cliched plots and everytime i'll be able to guess what'll happen next. o.O
still kinda sweet though haha makes you feel so in loveeeeee :D
and no, i'm not a wuzun fan. but he looks like leehom! :D
and lin looks like nino from arashi HAHAHA! :D
sorry, its side effect from too much loveeyyy doveyyy stuff haha! cheesyphrases make me shudder and ROFL. ROFL ROFL ROFL.
whatever, KAIYING SMILE LA :D *dances in front of you*
although i can't dance. i shall post the lyrics to my current favourite song! :D
omg yes taiwan idol dramas -.- i shall stop watchinggggg
Awake by Secondhand Serenade
With every appearance by you, blinding my eyes,
I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do.
You're an angel disguised.
And you're lying real still,
but your heart beat is fast just like mine.
And the movie's long over,
that's three that have passed, one more's fine.
Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.
I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.
And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.
Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.
Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,
That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything
dumb cheesy stuff makes you feel in love D: hahaha.
OMG i should stop watching these stuff -.-
6 nov
isabel: hey go you tube and type jeff dunham and watch the dead terroist show! i swear that's the funniest!
isabel: haha anyway the high school musical is confirmed! haha we have choreography, props and costumes team. if u want to join any tell me! (im in charge of props! opps..) haha need some help here..
isabel: haha and ANNA you're going to chaing rai? hmm a little unbelievable.. haha opps..
{HAHA OKAY I WANT TO JOIN PROPS MAYBE! :D and hmm okay i still like msswan xD yup anna is, she can't hear you right now my dear D: why unbelievable HAHA! you scared she'll miss people? xDDD}
wanzhen: hello emmaaaa:D
{helloo mister k****** wanzhennnnnn! :DDDDD}
gtgw: hihi yima!! i came =x n tag @.@
gtgw: aiyo take so amny pics in ikea
gtgw: many i meant
gtgw: lolx dun kip watchin youtube la
gtgw: XP am i spamming?
{yes hello godwin tan. because ikea is love! :D and uhh, yes i should it makes my stomach hurt .__. and yes, i still love ikea :D and yeah its spam HAHAHAH}
isabel: wth is ROFL?!
isabel: btw, DID u go see jeff dunham?
isabel: dont care godwin, you tube rocks!
{wth ROFL, ROFL is Roll On Floor Laughing Hahaha. nope actually not YET. yes it does though quality sucks -.-}
tag more laaaa thanks HAHA
no, not mozzarella cheese kind of cheese, its just tv serials kind of cheese haha :D
cheese makes me happy hahahaha!
oh, some things can have two meanings :D
yup i was being a total idiot today and watched gong zhu xiao mei [romantic princess]
yes, i'm aware that i don't seem like the kind of person who likes romance stories and all [so just forget about chick lit]
but whatever hahaha, that show is entertaining :}
its the cheesiness that makes me laugh like hell HAHAHA. so super cliched plots and everytime i'll be able to guess what'll happen next. o.O
still kinda sweet though haha makes you feel so in loveeeeee :D
and no, i'm not a wuzun fan. but he looks like leehom! :D
and lin looks like nino from arashi HAHAHA! :D
sorry, its side effect from too much loveeyyy doveyyy stuff haha! cheesyphrases make me shudder and ROFL. ROFL ROFL ROFL.
whatever, KAIYING SMILE LA :D *dances in front of you*
although i can't dance. i shall post the lyrics to my current favourite song! :D
omg yes taiwan idol dramas -.- i shall stop watchinggggg
Awake by Secondhand Serenade
With every appearance by you, blinding my eyes,
I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do.
You're an angel disguised.
And you're lying real still,
but your heart beat is fast just like mine.
And the movie's long over,
that's three that have passed, one more's fine.
Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.
I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.
And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.
Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.
Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,
That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything
dumb cheesy stuff makes you feel in love D: hahaha.
OMG i should stop watching these stuff -.-
6 nov
isabel: hey go you tube and type jeff dunham and watch the dead terroist show! i swear that's the funniest!
isabel: haha anyway the high school musical is confirmed! haha we have choreography, props and costumes team. if u want to join any tell me! (im in charge of props! opps..) haha need some help here..
isabel: haha and ANNA you're going to chaing rai? hmm a little unbelievable.. haha opps..
{HAHA OKAY I WANT TO JOIN PROPS MAYBE! :D and hmm okay i still like msswan xD yup anna is, she can't hear you right now my dear D: why unbelievable HAHA! you scared she'll miss people? xDDD}
wanzhen: hello emmaaaa:D
{helloo mister k****** wanzhennnnnn! :DDDDD}
gtgw: hihi yima!! i came =x n tag @.@
gtgw: aiyo take so amny pics in ikea
gtgw: many i meant
gtgw: lolx dun kip watchin youtube la
gtgw: XP am i spamming?
{yes hello godwin tan. because ikea is love! :D and uhh, yes i should it makes my stomach hurt .__. and yes, i still love ikea :D and yeah its spam HAHAHAH}
isabel: wth is ROFL?!
isabel: btw, DID u go see jeff dunham?
isabel: dont care godwin, you tube rocks!
{wth ROFL, ROFL is Roll On Floor Laughing Hahaha. nope actually not YET. yes it does though quality sucks -.-}
tag more laaaa thanks HAHA
Monday, November 05, 2007
I swear little girls are the cutest! ^^
Look, i'll tell you a secret! :}
i spent the past hour watching videos of dakota fanning AND shirley temple!
dakota's like this, talking doll filled with expression. shirley is super, duper, uber cute with her golden curls when she was like five years old i swear!
maybe they've become my idols *laughs* they're so adorable!
and oh, "on the big ship lollipop" has this catchy tune to it and i'll start singing like omg!
sorry, that was abit of some kid overload up there, i know you don't mind! :D
http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Vx_P1WG2lo <- now that's dakota fanning when she was ten, i think.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=a8H4eWmKxGA <- dakota in the ellen show!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=EwsoyDSva5k <- dakota in the oprah winfrey show in 2006!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ov-2HaRMvSA <- dakota in live with Regis and Kelly
http://youtube.com/watch?v=pfRIFQJRPTI <- shirley temple in "come get your happiness"
http://youtube.com/watch?v=2pD-r12qQEY <- shirley in "on the good ship lollipop" My personal favourite! :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TQe1gJ5Xus <- a part of shirley's film "curly top" she's dancing the tap dance on the beautiful white piano towards the middle, do watch! she's zomg damn talented!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=AsxHSN-R_q0 <- when i'm with you. super cute! :D shirley temple was super cute! :D
right, and to those flying to chiangrai/chiangmai..
I'M SORRY I CAN'T SEND YOU ALL OFF! well, its kinda late in the night, or morning as you call it, so yup i can't go.
anna lim, we shall GO OUT THE DAY YOU RETURN! and on december 2nd too! :D
life's wonderful, if not for some Missing elements D:
isabel: too bad u didnt come on sat.. ILAY rocks! haha any choir person would tell u now that mr toh has combined it.. get well soon k dear!
{YES it was very sad! D: i'll come on friday and saturday! i must! yeah illay is nice :] sigh i've visited the doctor's today so i'll be fine thankyou dear! :D}
anna: Just think of all your beloved friends in ahs and you'll miss this school in future(: AND JIAYOU IN MATHS!:D
{haha OKAY! i'll think of annalim too haha! (: lets start loving ahs yo! :D THANKYOU DEAR HAVE A SAFE TRIP! :D}
xiner: take care of your throat! and tag/comment on my blog okay! hahha <3 style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">{thankyou puaxiner! :D hope i didn't spread to you though :/ we all love food aye, PERCY PIGS are like, the cutest! ^^ i've commented! hahaha seeyou! monalisa piece, DOWN! :D}
Look, i'll tell you a secret! :}
i spent the past hour watching videos of dakota fanning AND shirley temple!
dakota's like this, talking doll filled with expression. shirley is super, duper, uber cute with her golden curls when she was like five years old i swear!
maybe they've become my idols *laughs* they're so adorable!
and oh, "on the big ship lollipop" has this catchy tune to it and i'll start singing like omg!
sorry, that was abit of some kid overload up there, i know you don't mind! :D
http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Vx_P1WG2lo <- now that's dakota fanning when she was ten, i think.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=a8H4eWmKxGA <- dakota in the ellen show!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=EwsoyDSva5k <- dakota in the oprah winfrey show in 2006!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ov-2HaRMvSA <- dakota in live with Regis and Kelly
http://youtube.com/watch?v=pfRIFQJRPTI <- shirley temple in "come get your happiness"
http://youtube.com/watch?v=2pD-r12qQEY <- shirley in "on the good ship lollipop" My personal favourite! :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TQe1gJ5Xus <- a part of shirley's film "curly top" she's dancing the tap dance on the beautiful white piano towards the middle, do watch! she's zomg damn talented!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=AsxHSN-R_q0 <- when i'm with you. super cute! :D shirley temple was super cute! :D
right, and to those flying to chiangrai/chiangmai..
I'M SORRY I CAN'T SEND YOU ALL OFF! well, its kinda late in the night, or morning as you call it, so yup i can't go.
anna lim, we shall GO OUT THE DAY YOU RETURN! and on december 2nd too! :D
life's wonderful, if not for some Missing elements D:
isabel: too bad u didnt come on sat.. ILAY rocks! haha any choir person would tell u now that mr toh has combined it.. get well soon k dear!
{YES it was very sad! D: i'll come on friday and saturday! i must! yeah illay is nice :] sigh i've visited the doctor's today so i'll be fine thankyou dear! :D}
anna: Just think of all your beloved friends in ahs and you'll miss this school in future(: AND JIAYOU IN MATHS!:D
{haha OKAY! i'll think of annalim too haha! (: lets start loving ahs yo! :D THANKYOU DEAR HAVE A SAFE TRIP! :D}
xiner: take care of your throat! and tag/comment on my blog okay! hahha <3 style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">{thankyou puaxiner! :D hope i didn't spread to you though :/ we all love food aye, PERCY PIGS are like, the cutest! ^^ i've commented! hahaha seeyou! monalisa piece, DOWN! :D}
Sunday, November 04, 2007
i've been reading blogs again.
this time, i've come with inspiration. Or rather, i've been thinking these few days.
just yesterday, my english tuition gave us the topics for the commonwealth essay.
i've managed to come up with quite a fair bit of ideas for the word "blue"
i'm this very analogy-ish kind of person (i'm sure you'll agree?) maybe i'll type it out in a post if i'm satisfied. we'll see.
differences in society?
lets link it to my blog-hopping subject.
due to some unknown reasons, i suddenly had this urge to visit blogs of students from the more elite schools in singapore, and i've noticed a certain bond they share, with their school, their classmates and their other mates.
most of their blogs bear long and meaningful posts about graduation, ending with a sentence "i'll never be able to walk down these corridors again". i've been strangely inspired by these heartfelt yet normal posts, why? why is it that students from our school leave with a different attitude, somewhere along the lines of "i'm finally leaving this school!"?
looking back at my posts, i've somewhat felt a tinge of guilt in me, for writing that post about our principal. Surely, it is not just a person's fault that we all detest our school that much? Is it pressure? Pressure to do well in everything? To spend time in our ccas and still be expected to ace in our studies? I don't understand. I really don't. Or is it really that a person can change everything? Leekuanyew did. Maybe our school's doing just the opposite.
While i blogged those feelings out the other day, i had actually been slightly..jealous. Jealous of how these schools are able to love their school so much, not just their friends, but their school as well.
I mean, how? Somebody nice please give me some answers, i'd really love to have a whole new mindset and enjoy my remaining year in anglican high.
Meanwhile, I shall put my holidays to full usage, buck up on my mathematics and everything.
Yesterday, i talked to a senior, who told me he's failed maths in secondary three in almost every single test, yet was still able to score in his O's. Hard work, of course. How did i ever waste my time in the past year, nonchalantly thinking I could pass without much studying?
I've realised i'm more or less, a half- all rounded person. why half?
I'm doing rather okay in things like art, music, humanities, languages and sometimes, running. Not the sprinting kind though. Anyway, i count myself slightly above average in these things, just that i'm never the best in all these. therefore, Half- all rounded.
what I suck at most right now, is Maths. Maths related subjects. Funny thing is, i don't hate maths.
Although i go around telling people "maths sucks" or, "i hate maths", or even "maths is so dumb, i want to kill it". Let me tell you a secret. I actually enjoy doing maths.
Funny, yes. So what i'm going to do is, love maths once again like how i did in primary school, ace in my olevels and go to whatever JC i wish to go.
That's that, if i ever get an A1 for emaths and A2 for amaths for my olevels, do give me a big pat on the back :D
For the sake of my future, and my remaining days in Anglican High [one whole year!]
bytheway, my throat is still as bad as ever, i think i'll have to skip choir again and visit the doctor. We'll see how things go.
this time, i've come with inspiration. Or rather, i've been thinking these few days.
just yesterday, my english tuition gave us the topics for the commonwealth essay.
i've managed to come up with quite a fair bit of ideas for the word "blue"
i'm this very analogy-ish kind of person (i'm sure you'll agree?) maybe i'll type it out in a post if i'm satisfied. we'll see.
differences in society?
lets link it to my blog-hopping subject.
due to some unknown reasons, i suddenly had this urge to visit blogs of students from the more elite schools in singapore, and i've noticed a certain bond they share, with their school, their classmates and their other mates.
most of their blogs bear long and meaningful posts about graduation, ending with a sentence "i'll never be able to walk down these corridors again". i've been strangely inspired by these heartfelt yet normal posts, why? why is it that students from our school leave with a different attitude, somewhere along the lines of "i'm finally leaving this school!"?
looking back at my posts, i've somewhat felt a tinge of guilt in me, for writing that post about our principal. Surely, it is not just a person's fault that we all detest our school that much? Is it pressure? Pressure to do well in everything? To spend time in our ccas and still be expected to ace in our studies? I don't understand. I really don't. Or is it really that a person can change everything? Leekuanyew did. Maybe our school's doing just the opposite.
While i blogged those feelings out the other day, i had actually been slightly..jealous. Jealous of how these schools are able to love their school so much, not just their friends, but their school as well.
I mean, how? Somebody nice please give me some answers, i'd really love to have a whole new mindset and enjoy my remaining year in anglican high.
Meanwhile, I shall put my holidays to full usage, buck up on my mathematics and everything.
Yesterday, i talked to a senior, who told me he's failed maths in secondary three in almost every single test, yet was still able to score in his O's. Hard work, of course. How did i ever waste my time in the past year, nonchalantly thinking I could pass without much studying?
I've realised i'm more or less, a half- all rounded person. why half?
I'm doing rather okay in things like art, music, humanities, languages and sometimes, running. Not the sprinting kind though. Anyway, i count myself slightly above average in these things, just that i'm never the best in all these. therefore, Half- all rounded.
what I suck at most right now, is Maths. Maths related subjects. Funny thing is, i don't hate maths.
Although i go around telling people "maths sucks" or, "i hate maths", or even "maths is so dumb, i want to kill it". Let me tell you a secret. I actually enjoy doing maths.
Funny, yes. So what i'm going to do is, love maths once again like how i did in primary school, ace in my olevels and go to whatever JC i wish to go.
That's that, if i ever get an A1 for emaths and A2 for amaths for my olevels, do give me a big pat on the back :D
For the sake of my future, and my remaining days in Anglican High [one whole year!]
bytheway, my throat is still as bad as ever, i think i'll have to skip choir again and visit the doctor. We'll see how things go.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
ohmy, my cough and blockednose and WEIRD voice is getting worse! D:
blue, think blue! :D
no, i'm not feeling blue, i'm still feeling happy [well, not THAT much yet, i'm waiting for something BLUE so i'll be happier :D]
hmm, piano today :D
and tll, was kinda fun actually. though i'm going to scrape off my commonwealthessay draft written during lessons -.-
OH NO! D: i'm not happy anymore! D:
and YAY i'm happy again! :D tringtringtring! :D
i know you have NO idea what i'm talking about, nobody does! :D
anna: LOL okayokay I'll be free in dec! MUST GO OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY OKAY. OR MAYBE THE DAY BEFORE HAHAHAH 3RD DECEMBER! Lol i feel so bhb. Aj whatever hahahah. I don'tknow where to find jobs ): HAHAHAH YAY
{yay OKAYOKAY! :D WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAYYY? hey anna, i know WHO you're going with ON THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTHDAY :D :D its a tallll, whiteee figure :D i want to find a job toooo! :D for fun hahaha! then maybe we'll do office work and earn bigbucks in a day! }
{OHMYGOSH WE'LL MISS YOU! is mrwhite going? :D}
anna: I'll call you at 4 in the morning on tues to say BYEBYE SO MUST ANSWER OKAY AHAHAHAHAH(:
{HAHA OKAY! YOU SHOULD! so that i'll have loads of hours to do random stuff before bridging starts! go call me okay hahahhaha! don't miss me in chiangrai! [or maybe you should ^^]}
blue, think blue! :D
no, i'm not feeling blue, i'm still feeling happy [well, not THAT much yet, i'm waiting for something BLUE so i'll be happier :D]
hmm, piano today :D
and tll, was kinda fun actually. though i'm going to scrape off my commonwealthessay draft written during lessons -.-
OH NO! D: i'm not happy anymore! D:
and YAY i'm happy again! :D tringtringtring! :D
i know you have NO idea what i'm talking about, nobody does! :D
anna: LOL okayokay I'll be free in dec! MUST GO OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY OKAY. OR MAYBE THE DAY BEFORE HAHAHAH 3RD DECEMBER! Lol i feel so bhb. Aj whatever hahahah. I don'tknow where to find jobs ): HAHAHAH YAY
{yay OKAYOKAY! :D WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAYYY? hey anna, i know WHO you're going with ON THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTHDAY :D :D its a tallll, whiteee figure :D i want to find a job toooo! :D for fun hahaha! then maybe we'll do office work and earn bigbucks in a day! }
{OHMYGOSH WE'LL MISS YOU! is mrwhite going? :D}
anna: I'll call you at 4 in the morning on tues to say BYEBYE SO MUST ANSWER OKAY AHAHAHAHAH(:
{HAHA OKAY! YOU SHOULD! so that i'll have loads of hours to do random stuff before bridging starts! go call me okay hahahhaha! don't miss me in chiangrai! [or maybe you should ^^]}
i'm sick -.-
i can't even sing @#)$(*
i'll be like, singing two bars and start coughing zzz...
that explains why i weren't there for choir today D:
and i was sick last saturday too...rarr.
well, i'll just rest and do my stuff,
but i'm still a VERY HAPPY GIRL [despite the coughing and inability to sing]
btw i realised that i sing most of the time, now that i can't i find it so irritating D:
well, random songs maybe haha
i dreamt of happy stuff hahahaha
i can't even sing @#)$(*
i'll be like, singing two bars and start coughing zzz...
that explains why i weren't there for choir today D:
and i was sick last saturday too...rarr.
well, i'll just rest and do my stuff,
but i'm still a VERY HAPPY GIRL [despite the coughing and inability to sing]
btw i realised that i sing most of the time, now that i can't i find it so irritating D:
well, random songs maybe haha
i dreamt of happy stuff hahahaha
Friday, November 02, 2007
ray: ikea is a nicee place(:
{ahhh a VERY niceeee place! (:}
anna: HAHAHAH yup let's go out someday yup! and i have not enough money to shop! just shopped a while ago): hahaha AND I'M GOING CHIANGMAI NEXT TUESDAYYYYYYY! : D
{HAHAHAHA yesyesyes! we shall WINDOW shop :D or go find job wheeee! i'll miss you ahhhhhh! :D}
chinyee: haha didn't know that you guys were in IKEA, so cool. and i see the lamps!
chinyee: oh btw yeah bridging sucks -.-
{hahaha didn't know you guys were there too! IKEA is cool! (Y) bridging sucks loadssss}
tag please its deaddddd.
i'm happyyyyy
ray: ikea is a nicee place(:
{ahhh a VERY niceeee place! (:}
anna: HAHAHAH yup let's go out someday yup! and i have not enough money to shop! just shopped a while ago): hahaha AND I'M GOING CHIANGMAI NEXT TUESDAYYYYYYY! : D
{HAHAHAHA yesyesyes! we shall WINDOW shop :D or go find job wheeee! i'll miss you ahhhhhh! :D}
chinyee: haha didn't know that you guys were in IKEA, so cool. and i see the lamps!
chinyee: oh btw yeah bridging sucks -.-
{hahaha didn't know you guys were there too! IKEA is cool! (Y) bridging sucks loadssss}
tag please its deaddddd.
i'm happyyyyy
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